Kotlin Interview Questions – Excellence Technology

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Kotlin Interview Questions

Kotlin is a statically-typed programming language developed by JetBrains. It was designed to be fully interoperable with Java, making it an excellent choice for Android app development. Kotlin aims to improve upon Java by providing concise syntax, null safety, and modern language features.

Some key features of Kotlin include:

  • Null Safety: Nullable and non-nullable types to prevent null pointer exceptions.
  • Extension Functions: Allow developers to add new functions to existing classes without modifying their source code.
  • Smart Casts: Automatic casting of types in certain conditions, reducing the need for explicit casts.
  • Coroutines: Simplify asynchronous programming and concurrency.
  • Interoperability: Seamless integration with existing Java code.

Null safety in Kotlin is designed to eliminate null pointer exceptions, which are a common source of runtime errors in many programming languages. In Kotlin, types are explicitly marked as nullable or non-nullable, and the compiler enforces checks to prevent null values from causing unexpected crashes.

The safe call operator, ?., is used to invoke a method or access a property only if the receiver object is non-null. If the receiver is null, the expression evaluates to null instead of throwing a null pointer exception. It is a concise way to handle nullable values in a safe manner.

  • Class: A class is a blueprint for creating objects. It defines properties (attributes) and methods (functions) that the objects created from the class will have.
  • Object: An object is an instance of a class. It represents a real-world entity and can be created using the new keyword. In Kotlin, the object keyword is used to create singletons or anonymous objects.

Data classes in Kotlin are used to represent immutable data models. They automatically generate useful methods like toString(), equals(), hashCode(), and copy() based on the properties declared in the primary constructor. Data classes are concise and convenient for modeling data without boilerplate code.

  • val: Declares an immutable (read-only) property. Once assigned, its value cannot be changed.
  • var: Declares a mutable property. Its value can be reassigned after the initial assignment.
  • Higher-order Function: A function that takes one or more functions as parameters or returns a function. They are a powerful feature of functional programming.
  • Lambda Expression: A concise way to represent anonymous functions. Lambdas are often used as arguments for higher-order functions, providing a succinct syntax for inline function definitions.

Coroutines are a concurrency design pattern used in Kotlin for writing asynchronous and non-blocking code. They provide a way to perform asynchronous operations without blocking the main thread. Coroutines simplify the management of background tasks and improve code readability by using suspend functions and async/await constructs.

  • launch: Used to start a coroutine that performs a task asynchronously without returning a result. It is typically used for fire-and-forget scenarios.
  • async: Used to start a coroutine that performs a task asynchronously and returns a Deferred object. The Deferred object represents a future result and can be used to obtain the result later using await.

Extension functions in Kotlin allow developers to add new functions to existing classes without modifying their source code. They are useful for extending the functionality of classes without the need for inheritance. Extension functions enhance code readability and maintainability by keeping related functionality grouped together.

The receiver type in an extension function is the type on which the function is invoked. It is specified before the function name using the Type.functionName syntax. Inside the extension function, the receiver object can be accessed using the this keyword. The receiver type defines the scope in which the extension function can be called.

Kotlin Android Extensions is a feature that allows direct access to views in Android layouts without the need for findViewById calls. It is achieved by importing a synthetic R class for the layout, and views can be accessed directly by their IDs. Kotlin Android Extensions simplify code and reduce boilerplate associated with view binding.

  • apply: Used to configure an object by providing a lambda block. It returns the receiver object, allowing chained calls to methods on the same object.
  • let: Invokes a lambda block on the result of a function call or the value of a variable. It is often used for scoping and avoiding nullable values.

Kotlin is designed to be fully interoperable with Java, and developers can seamlessly use Kotlin and Java code within the same project. Key aspects of interoperability include:

  • Shared Code: Kotlin and Java classes can reference each other, and Kotlin code can call Java code and vice versa.
  • Nullability: Kotlin's null safety is preserved when calling Java code, and vice versa.
  • Library Compatibility: Kotlin can use existing Java libraries, and Java can use Kotlin libraries.

The @JvmOverloads annotation is used to generate multiple overloads for a Kotlin function with default parameter values. When applied to a function with default parameter values, it instructs the Kotlin compiler to generate additional overloads for each combination of parameters. This annotation is useful for ensuring compatibility with Java, which does not support default parameter values.

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