Software Testing Interview Questions – Excellence Technology

Software Testing
Interview Questions

Software Testing Interview Questions

Software testing is the process of evaluating a system to identify any discrepancies between expected and actual results. It is crucial for ensuring the quality, reliability, and functionality of software, reducing the risk of defects in production.

Verification focuses on evaluating documents, plans, and specifications to ensure compliance with standards. Validation, on the other hand, involves testing the actual product to ensure it meets user requirements and expectations.

Functional testing verifies that the software functions as expected, while non-functional testing assesses aspects like performance, usability, and security.

Regression testing ensures that new changes to the software do not negatively impact existing functionalities. It should be performed whenever there are updates, enhancements, or bug fixes to the codebase.

Test cases are sets of conditions or variables used to determine the functionality of a software application. I would create test cases by defining input values, expected results, and the steps to execute the test. This ensures comprehensive coverage of different scenarios.

A test plan is a document that outlines the approach, scope, resources, schedule, and deliverables of the testing activities. It serves as a guide for the testing team, ensuring a systematic and organized testing process.

Smoke testing is a preliminary test to check if the critical functionalities of the software are working, while sanity testing is a subset of regression testing, focusing on specific functionalities to ensure they still work after changes.

I would address this through effective communication and collaboration with the development team. Clarifying requirements, participating in joint meetings, and providing detailed bug reports can help bridge the gap between the two teams.

Test-driven development involves writing tests before writing the actual code. It helps ensure that the code meets specifications, improves code maintainability, and provides a safety net for making changes or additions.

Boundary value analysis focuses on testing values at the edges of input domains. It helps uncover potential errors related to boundaries, such as off-by-one errors, and ensures robustness and accuracy in handling inputs.

Black-box testing involves testing a system without knowledge of its internal structure, focusing on inputs and expected outputs. White-box testing, on the other hand, examines the internal logic, code structure, and paths through the software.

Automated testing is used to execute tests automatically, comparing actual outcomes with expected results. It is beneficial for repetitive tasks, regression testing, and scenarios requiring large datasets. Automated testing improves efficiency, reduces human errors, and accelerates the testing process.

In such a situation, I would prioritize communication with the development team and stakeholders. We would collectively assess the severity and impact of the bug, explore potential workarounds, and decide whether to release the software with the known issue or delay the release to address the bug.

Performance testing assesses the responsiveness, speed, and overall stability of a software application under various conditions. Types of performance testing include load testing, stress testing, and scalability testing. Load testing, for example, evaluates the system's behavior under expected and peak load conditions.

Testing is considered complete when the defined test criteria are met, all identified bugs are fixed and retested, and the testing team has confidence that the software meets the required quality standards. A comprehensive test summary report can be prepared to communicate the testing results.

Test automation frameworks provide a structured environment for automated testing, offering guidelines and best practices. Examples include Selenium (for web applications), JUnit (for Java applications), and Appium (for mobile applications). These frameworks enhance maintainability, scalability, and reusability of automated test scripts.

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