Web Designing Interview Questions – Excellence Technology

Web Designing
Interview Questions

Web Designer Interview Questions

1. What is web designing?

In simple terms, web design refers to the process of creating the visual layout and look of a website so that they resonate with a company’s brand, convey information, and support user-friendliness. Designing a website comprises many components that work together to create the overall user experience including graphic design, UX/UI design, SEO (Search Engine Optimization), and content creation. Whether you’re building a website, mobile application, or maintaining content on a website, appearance and design are crucial elements. Since the mid-2010s, web design has increasingly been geared towards designing for mobile devices and tablet browsers.

2. Who is a web designer?

Simply put, a web designer is responsible for the appearance of a website. A web designer will take your ideas and create a mockup so that you can visualize the final look and feel of your website. Designers tend to possess expertise in UI (user interface), which means they create a site that is intuitive and easy to use. Designing a website is largely a creative process that involves organizing content and images across several web pages, integrating applications, and including other interactive elements. Some of their responsibilities include:

  1. Design and layout websites according to client specifications.
  2. Prepare mockups and samples for clients to review.
  3. Selecting readable fonts.
  4. Picking colors that are both attractive and easy-to-read.
  5. Using colors, fonts, and layouts to implement a brand’s identity.
  6. Create a map of the website’s structure to ensure a seamless navigation experience.
  7. Integrating images, texts, logos, videos, and other elements.
  8. Designing optimized versions of websites and pages for desktops and mobile devices.

3. What are the most widely used languages for web design?

The following are some common languages used in web design. Among the following, the most fundamental language for web design is HTML, which will provide you with a solid foundation for designing websites and web applications. In fact, it is probably the first language taught to a web designer, thereby making it an essential tool for all designers to have. 

  1. HTML (Hypertext Markup Language)
  2. CSS (Cascading Style Sheets)
  3. Java
  4. JavaScript
  5. SQL (Structured Query Language)
  6. PHP (Hypertext Processor)
  7. Python

4. Explain responsive web design.

The responsive web design process involves creating a web page that “responds” to or resizes itself to fit whatever screen size the viewer is using. This involves the use of HTML and CSS to resize, shrink, hide, and enlarge a website so that it appears correctly on all device resolutions (desktops, laptops, tablets, and phones). With responsive design, you can have one website that adapts to different screens and devices according to their sizes.


5. How do you set an image as the background of a web page?

Background images provide a visually appealing and interactive background to a website. These images can be applied in many ways.

1. In the body tag, pass the URL or location path of a background image in the background attribute.


<body background = "Image URL or path" > 
Website Body 


<!DOCTYPE html>
  <title>Scaler Academy</title>
<body background="scaler.png">
<h1>Welcome to Scaler Family</h1>
<p><a href="https://www.scaler.com">Scaler.com</a></p>

2. Add CSS style properties.


    body {
        background-image:url(" URL of the image ");


<!DOCTYPE html>
body {
  background-image: url("scaler1.jpg");
   <h1>Scaler Academy</h1>

6. Which color would you choose as a web designer when declaring the “delete” button?

By using a color like Red, you can make the “Delete” button more visible, especially if two buttons have to be displayed simultaneously. Almost always, red is used as a symbol of caution, so that is a great way to get the user’s attention.

7. What do you mean by grid system?

In graphic design, grid systems provide a two-dimensional framework for aligning and laying out elements. This is a set of measurements that the designer can use to size and align objects within a certain format. It is composed of horizontal and vertical lines that intersect, allowing the contents to be arranged on the page. A grid can facilitate the positioning of multiple design elements on a website in a way that is visually appealing, facilitates a user’s flow, and improves accessibility and the attractiveness of information and visuals. A grid can also be broken down into several subtypes, each with its own specific application in web design.

8. What should you consider when writing an error message?

Although the error message may seem innocuous, it has a big impact on the user’s experience. Error messages written poorly can frustrate users, while well-written error messages increase users’ subjective satisfaction and speed. One should consider the following factors when writing an error message: 

  1. Write in clear, simple language, without ambiguity, so that the issue can be understood easily.
  2. Keep it concise, precise, and meaningful.
  3. Be humble and don’t blame users as tone and language are major factors in how they interpret your message.
  4. Refrain from using words that are negative.
  5. Provide a solution to resolve the error.
  6. Format your error messages correctly.
  7. Don’t overwhelm users with error messages.

9. What are the most common problems in website design?

A few of the most common website design problems include:

  1. An outdated or inadequate web design.
  2. Poor website navigation.
  3. Ineffective SEO strategies.
  4. Convoluted or unclear user journeys.
  5. Excessive use of images, icons, colors, and textures.
  6. Lack of quality content.
  7. Poor quality images.
  8. Hidden contact details.
  9. Upload time is extremely slow.
  10. Mobile optimization is not available.

10. Explain information architecture.

Information architecture (IA) refers to the process of planning, organizing, structuring, and labeling content in a comprehensive, logical, and sustainable manner. It serves as a means of structuring and classifying content in a way that is clear and understandable, so users can find what they are looking for with little effort. IA may also be used to redesign an existing product, rather than being limited to new products. Essentially, it determines how users will access your website information as well as how well their user experience will be.

11. What is W3C and how does it affect web design?

An international organization, the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) promotes web development. Members of the organization, a full-time staff, experts invited from around the world, and the public collaborate together to create Web Standards. Also, W3C develops standards for the World Wide Web (WWW) to facilitate interoperability and collaboration between all web stakeholders. Since its inception in 1994, W3C has endeavored to lead the web towards a fuller potential.

12. How does white space affect the content on the webpage?

White space, also referred to as empty space or negative space in web design, refers to the unused space that surrounds the content and functional elements of a web page. With white space, you make your design breathe by minimizing the amount of text and functionality users see at once.

  1. By using white space, you can visually group and separate elements, draw attention to a specific element, and reinforce a content grid or layout in web design and other media.
  2. Aside from contributing to the harmony and balance of a design and assisting the branding process, whitespace can also be utilized to direct the reader from one element to the next.
  3. This makes the website appear clean and uncluttered, providing readers with the information they will enjoy.

13. What format would you use to embed self-hosted video on a web site?

When you embed a video on a website using HTML5 video (instead of using YouTube or another video-hosting service), the website must ensure that the video is served in a format that the browser can play. The MP4 video format is currently supported by major browsers, operating systems, and devices (using MPEG4 or h.264 compressions). For Firefox clients and some Android devices that are not capable of playing MP4 videos, having copies of the video in OGV and WebM formats is helpful.

14. Can a web page have multiple H1 tags? Would it matter?

H1 tags can be used as many times as you like on a web page, as there is no upper or lower limit. A website’s H1 (title) tag is of great importance to search engines and other machines that read the code of a web page and interpret its contents. It is generally recommended that web pages contain only one H1 tag. Multiple H1 tags can, however, be used as long as they are not overused, and are contextually relevant to the structure of the page. H1 is considered the main heading or title of an article, document, or section. It may be detrimental to the website’s SEO performance if H1 elements are not used properly.

15. When should you use HTML5 tags such as STRONG, EM, SMALL?

While these tags provide a unique visual effect (STRONG makes the text bold, EM italicized it, and SMALL shrinks it), this is not their primary purpose, and they should not be used simply to style a piece of content in a specific way. Unlike some other tags, these ones provide a unique visual effect (STRONG makes the text bold, EM italicized it, and SMALL shrinks it). However, they are not intended to provide a visual effect, nor should they simply be used to style content in a particular way.

  1. <em> tag: Used to mark up the emphasized text.
  2. <strong> tag: Often used in titles, headings, and paragraphs to emphasize the word or phrase of greatest significance. Also, it can be used to emphasize the seriousness or importance of a word or phrase.
  3. <small> tag: Typically used for disclaimers, side comments, clarifications, etc.

16. Explain doctype.

Every HTML or XHTML document must begin with a declaration of the document type, which is called DOCTYPE; this is often the first line of code. It is not an element or tag, but rather a way for browsers to identify the standard/version of HTML or any other markup language that the current page is written in. A document type declaration is required for each HTML document to ensure that pages display as intended.


< !DOCTYPE html >


<!DOCTYPE html>
    <h1>Scaler Academy</h1>
    <h2>This is HTML5 Doctype Tag!</h2>

Web Designing Interview Questions

UX (User Experience) design focuses on the overall experience a user has with a product, emphasizing usability and user satisfaction. UI (User Interface) design is more concerned with the visual elements and the overall look and feel of a product, including buttons, icons, and layout.

Responsive design is an approach to web design that ensures a website looks and functions well on various devices and screen sizes. It is important because it provides a consistent user experience, improves SEO, and caters to the growing use of mobile devices.

I optimize images by resizing them appropriately, choosing the right file format (JPEG, PNG, GIF), and compressing them without compromising quality. This helps reduce page load times and improves overall website performance.

White space, or negative space, is crucial in design as it improves readability, enhances user comprehension, and creates a sense of balance and sophistication. It allows elements to breathe and ensures a clean and organized design.

"Above the fold" refers to the content that is visible on a webpage without scrolling. It is a critical area for placing important information and calls to action as it captures the user's attention immediately.

Wireframes are skeletal outlines of a webpage or application, illustrating the basic structure and layout. They serve as a visual guide for the placement of elements, helping to plan the user interface and user experience before moving on to more detailed design stages.

I ensure accessibility by following web content accessibility guidelines (WCAG), using semantic HTML, providing alternative text for images, creating keyboard-friendly navigation, and testing the website with accessibility tools to ensure it can be used by individuals with various disabilities.

Browser compatibility is crucial to ensure that a website functions and appears consistently across different web browsers (such as Chrome, Firefox, Safari, and Edge). Testing and optimizing for various browsers help reach a wider audience and improve the user experience.

"Mobile-first" design is an approach where the design process starts with creating a version of the website specifically for mobile devices before expanding to larger screens. It ensures a focus on essential content and functionality for smaller screens, improving the overall responsiveness and user experience.

I stay updated by regularly reading design blogs, following industry influencers on social media, attending design conferences, and participating in online communities. Continuous learning and exploration of new tools and techniques are essential in the ever-evolving field of web design.

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